Many people are adept at saving money. Not all are good at multiplying these savings.

What about you?

Wise investing of your wealth will give you a larger sum and a better lifestyle in retirement.

At BlueRocke we provide our clients with a wide range of portfolio options that range from managed funds to direct equities.

Our client specific approach allows us to build portfolios that are tailored for individual clients, whilst providing flexibility, control and cost efficiencies.


Investment Portfolios.

At BlueRocke we provide leading methodologies to design investment portfolios.

We use sophisticated risk profiling that allows us to develop strategies that are based on a complete understanding of our client’s situation, attitudes and needs.

A well-constructed portfolio of diversified assets underpinned by reliable income and sound fundamentals can return comparatively high rates of return at a suitable level of risk.

In order to improve performance, we review, adjust and re-balance clients’ portfolios wherever required and update our clients on an ongoing basis.


Separately managed accounts and Individually managed accounts.

Separately managed accounts (SMA) and Individually managed accounts (IMA) are portfolio structures where the investments are owned directly by the client. This allows greater flexibility and control than that achieved with common alternatives such as buying units in a managed fund structure.

SMA’s and IMA’s are becoming increasingly popular amongst investors who want to retain greater control over their investments, especially when they come closer to retirement.


Independent investment research.

We source quality independent research from a number of credible research houses such as Morningstar and MERCER to give our clients access to high grade investment opportunities across a range of asset classes.

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