Do you need a financial adviser?

Do we really need to pay a financial adviser to tell us to spend less, save more and invest more?


Yes, for the same reason we (or Medicare) pay a doctor to tell us to eat healthier, exercise more and get adequate sleep.  But there is another reason we go to a doctor – we seek assurance that if there are more serious problems, they get picked up and addressed.


It is the same with an adviser.


If you have doubts and would like your financial situation to be evaluated, please email us on or with your contacts, for an exploratory meeting, at our cost, not yours.

Are you, your own financial adviser?

We believe in providing wealth building strategies that would make our clients wealthier than they would be, on their own. This is the ‘value-add’ we provide.


If you would like to enjoy these ‘value-add’ services, please email us on or with your contacts, for an exploratory meeting, at our cost, not yours.

Want a Porsche at a reasonable price?

We offer a best-in-class private advisory service.


But you won’t see the plush carpeting to go with it, as we keep our overheads low (we do have a barista though!).


Lower overheads translate into lower costs for you.


If you would like to receive competent advice at reasonable costs, please email us on or with your contacts, for an exploratory meeting, at our cost, not yours.

Head in a spin with all your financial questions?

We are best suited for those with complex wealth building needs: covering risk, investment portfolios, business entities, debt, gearing, estates, trusts, SMSFs etc.


Clients with such ‘high touch and multiple needs’ sometimes are overwhelmed with their problems and underwhelmed, with the services they are receiving.


If this is you, come talk to us.


Please email us on or with your contacts, for an exploratory meeting, at our cost, not yours.

2020 Federal Budget – Summary & Video

Last night, the Government handed down the 2020 Federal Budget.

Key proposals include:

  • Tax cuts for low and middle income earners through bringing forward the ‘Stage 2’ tax relief, increasing the Low Income Tax Offset and retaining the Low and Middle Income Tax Offset in the current tax year
  • Tax relief for businesses, including instant asset write-offs and Fringe Benefit Tax concessions
  • A range of measures to maximise retirement savings for Australians, including a new online YourSuper comparison tool and changes to ensure an employee’s super fund follows them when changing jobs
  • Additional payments (comprising two amounts of $250) for eligible income support recipients and concession card holders
  • A capital gains tax exemption for granny flat rights supported by a formal written agreement.

Tune in as Jenneke Mills from MLC Technical brings you the 2020 Federal Budget wrap up. Jenneke will step through key announcements, outcomes and potential opportunities in this 10 minutes video.

For more information, click to download the Key Initiatives Summary and Infographic .

Any queries or concerns regarding these proposals, please feel free to contact Dev Sarker at 1300 717 136 today!